Certificate Programs
澳博app证书课程包括我们的索尔兹伯里艺术证书, STEM Excellence Certificate, and our Global Perspective Studies Certificate.
我们的证书课程是我们的学生在他们大三和大四的时候对所选择的学科进行“深入研究”的承诺, culminating in a capstone presentation and portfolio. 完成课程的学生将在毕业日获得证书和证书, documentation of the accomplishment on their transcript, and acknowledgement in the Graduation Day program. 而重要的是,所有年级的学生和家长回顾这些信息,因为他们期待着在NDA即将到来的几年, 我们的二年级学生需要在初冬之前就是否参加这个项目做出决定. 这一及时的承诺将确保证书协调人能够审查他们的课外活动, course selections, and GPA for compliance.
Certificate Offerings
STEM Excellence Certificate
澳博appSTEM卓越证书表彰学生在STEM相关活动中的成就和参与. 该证书旨在表彰那些致力于具有挑战性的高中课程和现实世界经验的学生,这些经验将为他们进入大学做好准备,并为科学事业奠定基础, technology, engineering, or mathematics in a changing society. 有机会在学校和社区内与该领域的专家和当前技术合作将是该计划的重要组成部分,并在学生完成他们的顶点项目时证明是无价的.
Learner Outcomes
Science: By completing four full years of scientific study, students will be prepared to enter an advanced college science program.
Technology: By completing courses in technology, 学生将对不同的计算机系统及其软件应用有更深入的了解,从而能够使用与工业相关的设备来设计和构建3d物体, model buildings, or robots.
Engineering:通过在STEM课程中学习和应用工程设计过程, students will be able to identify a problem, create a solution, and test it.
Mathematics: By completing four years of core mathematics courses, 学生可以在大学一年级的课程中学习微积分I或微积分II.
What is Problem-Based Learning?
该证书的主干是利用基于问题的学习(PBL)的教学方法。. 这是一种教学方法,在这种方法中,复杂的现实问题被用作促进学生学习概念和原理的工具,而不是仅仅直接呈现事实和概念. In addition to course content, PBL can promote the development of critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and communication skills. It can also provide opportunities for working in groups, finding and evaluating research materials, and it fosters life-long learning goals for students.
Science Requirements
- Four full years of science with a minimum grade of B+ in each class.
Technology/Engineering Requirements
- Completion of one technology/engineering course with a minimum grade of B+
- 所有大二的学生都必须修一学期的工程与设计导论课程.*
* This requirement will begin the class of 2024.
Math Requirements
- Four years of math including the completion of Pre-Calculus, Advanced
Pre-Calculus, or AP Calculus or higher with a minimum grade of B+.
Overall Requirements
- Students must maintain a cumulative overall GPA of 3.0.
- 学生必须在毕业前表现良好,才能获得STEM证书.
- Students must be involved with a STEM-related Club or activity either
through NDA or an off-campus resource for three years.
All applicants will be interviewed by the STEM Committee.
STEM Experience Requirements
1. Job Shadow and interview with a scientist, engineer, dentist, physician, or similar professional in the area of science, mathematics, or technology (2-hour minimum), to be approved by the STEM Coordinator.
2. 出席和参与NDA STEM之夜,为大三和大四学生.
3. 所有学生必须从以下列表中完成至少三个额外的STEM经验:
Students must complete a minimum of one of the following:
- Research Project/Independent Study in a STEM field.
- 暑期实习(除了对实习经历和所学内容的简短总结外,学生还必须向导师提供反馈).
- 在实验室做志愿者(学生必须向导师提供反馈,以及对经验和所学的简短总结).
Students must complete a minimum of two additional experiences:
- 两个STEM活动(学生必须提供票根/收据形式的出席证明,以及所参加活动的简短摘要和每次活动的学习内容). Please note these two events count as one STEM experience met.
- 参加NDA科学俱乐部春假旅行(每三年一次).
- 参加全国征文比赛或以全球主题为重点的比赛.
- Attendance and assistance at a WISE related event through NDA.
- Another project approved by the STEM Academic Coordinator.
4. A Capstone Portfolio and presentation to the STEM committee.
Salisbury Arts Certificate
该证书的使命是表彰那些致力于具有挑战性的高中艺术课程和现实世界经验的学生,这些学生将为进入著名的艺术学院和大学做好准备. 它还旨在提高学生的艺术经验,以便为职业做好准备,并培养更多熟练的视觉和表演艺术消费者.
NDA认识到艺术的重要性,要求所有九年级学生参加艺术的专门轮换, Drama, Dance, and Music. 十年级的学生必须参加一学期的社会艺术和音乐课程.
Learner Outcomes
Visual Art通过完成九年级的艺术轮转和十年级的音乐和社会艺术以及两门视觉艺术选修课,学生将准备进入高级大学艺术课程.
Music通过完成九年级的艺术轮转和十年级的音乐和社会艺术,以及两门音乐选修课和四年的学校音乐课程的参与, students will be prepared to enter an advanced college Music program.
Dance: 通过体验9年级体育课程中的舞蹈和10年级社会音乐与艺术课程中的舞蹈, in addition to 3-years of participation in the school dance ensemble, students will be prepared to enter an advanced college Dance program.
Theatre: 通过完成九年级的艺术轮转和十年级的音乐和社会艺术,以及两门戏剧艺术选修课和四年的学校戏剧项目的参与, students will be prepared to enter an advanced college Theatre program.
Multi-disciplinary: 通过完成九年级的艺术轮转和十年级的音乐和社会艺术,以及两门艺术选修课和四年的学校艺术项目的参与, 学生将准备成为更熟练和受过教育的艺术消费者,并进入高级大学艺术课程.
Music Requirements
Two music electives with a minimum grade of B+ in each class.
- Jazz Ensemble
- Instrumental Ensemble
- Chamber Chorale
- Glee Club
- Guitar Ensemble
- Percussion Ensemble
- Private music instruction
Visual Arts Requirements
- Two Arts electives with a minimum grade of B+.
- 所有视觉艺术专业的学生必须参加学校艺术俱乐部至少三年.
Dance Requirements
- Three years of participation in NDA Dance Ensemble.
- Additional off-campus studio experiences.
Theatre Requirements
- Two theatre electives with a minimum grade of B+ in each class.
- 除了戏剧选修课,学生还应该参加学校四年的戏剧课程,包括:
- Annual School Musical
- Fall Play
- Drama Club
- Drama Competitions
Multi-Disciplinary Requirements
- 选修两门音乐、视觉艺术或戏剧课程,每门课程成绩不低于B+.
- 除了上述学术选修课,学生应参加至少两个以上提到的学校艺术课程的所有四年.
Overall Requirements
- Students must maintain a cumulative overall GPA of 3.0.
- 学生必须在毕业前表现良好,才能获得艺术证书.
- 学生必须通过NDA或校外资源参与与艺术相关的俱乐部或活动三年.
- GPS卓越证书项目的意向书必须在大二的1月15日之前完成.
- All applicants will be interviewed by the Salisbury Certificate Committee.
Art Experience Requirements
1. Job Shadow and interview with a professional in concentrated field, eg. professional artist, musician, dancer, actor or director.
2. 出席和参与NDA索尔兹伯里之夜的大三和大四学生.
3. 所有学生必须从以下列表中完成至少三个额外的经历:
- Research Project/Independent Study in an Arts field
- 暑期实习(除了对实习经历和所学内容的简短总结外,学生还必须向导师提供反馈).
- 当地艺术组织的志愿者(学生必须向导师提供反馈,以及对经验和所学内容的简短总结).
- 参加NDA春假巡回演唱会(三年一次).
- Arts Day Performance and Exhibition
- Drama Competitions
- Art All State
- Central District Music
- All State Music
- Community Theatre performances
- Boston Globe Student Arts Awards
- Slam competitions
- Arts classes at local institutions such as Worcester Art Museum, Hanover Theatre, Worcester Center for Crafts, ARTSWorcester
- Other Arts experiences as approved
4. A Capstone Portfolio and presentation to the Salisbury Arts committee.
Global Perspective Studies Certificate
澳博app全球视角研究(GPS)证书旨在帮助NDA学生为他们在全球社会中的角色做好准备. In the spirit of Notre Dame Academy, St. Julie Billiart, and the Sisters of Notre Dame, 这个证书课程通过具有挑战性的高中课程,挑战我们的学生在语言和文化上的流利, cultural connections, 和现实世界的经验,为他们进入大学做准备,并意识到我们不断变化的世界的挑战.
Learner Outcomes
Language完成两年的西班牙语或法语高中语言课程,以及另外两年的同一语言课程, students will be prepared to enter an advanced college language program.
Multi-Disciplinary通过完成10年级世界文学和世界历史和12年级世界宗教, students will be able to reflect on the international focus of these courses.
Culture: By completing additional cultural experiences, 学生将对不同的习俗和传统有更深的了解,这将使他们能够从全球的角度思考.
Real-World: By traveling with purpose, either service oriented or educational, 学生将能够亲眼目睹和体验不同的社会.
Language Requirements
- 连续四年高中西班牙语或法语课程,每门课程成绩不低于B+.
Multi-Disciplinary Requirements
- Completion of World Literature, World History, and World Religions courses with a minimum grade of B+ in each class.
Connections Requirement
- 通过NDVS或在线服务项目或参观等方式与世界各地的圣母大学学校建立联系.
Overall Requirements
- Students must maintain a cumulative overall GPA of 3.0.
- 学生必须在毕业前表现良好,才能获得GPS证书.
- 学生必须通过NDA或校外资源参与语言俱乐部或活动两年,以及另一个以国际为重点的俱乐部一年.
All applicants will be interviewed by the GPS Committee.
GPS Experience Requirements
1. Job Shadow and interview with a professor, lawyer, diplomat, translator, 或类似的专业在全球事务和语言领域(至少2小时),由GPS协调员批准.
2. 出席和参加NDA国际晚会或音乐会(大三和大四).
3. 所有学生必须从以下列表中完成至少三个额外的GPS体验:
Students must complete a minimum of one of the following:
- Research Project/Independent Study in an International field.
- 暑期实习(除了对实习经历和所学内容的简短总结外,学生还必须向导师提供反馈).
- 参加全国征文比赛或以全球主题为重点的比赛.
Students must complete a minimum of two additional experiences:
- 2文化活动(学生必须提供票根/收据形式的出席证明. In addition to a short summary of the events attended and what was learned.)必须做两种文化活动,这只算作一次GPS经验.
- 参加GPS委员会预先批准的为期四天或四天以上的服务或教育国际旅行, vetted outside organizations, or family members.
- 在国内或国外的志愿者站点服务,具有全球重点,并由GPS委员会预先批准.
- Other project approved by the GPS Academic Coordinator.
4. A Capstone Portfolio and presentation to the GPS committee.